1. Introduction
The independent-developed micro-nano bubble generator is consisted of micro-nano bubble generating device, diffusion device, shallow device, limit device, control device and etc.This system has been widely applied in aquaculture, landscape works, river improvement, water reuse, sewage treatment, gas-liquid mixing and other field. Combined with different air supply (such as air, oxygen,ozone,nitrogen,etc) and technique, it can realize high-efficient oxygen aeration, DAF separation, oxidative decoloration,nitrogen and phosphorus removal and other functions.
2. Application
1) Minimal equipment: teaching demonstration, scall-scale tests and pilot experiment, integrated treatment unit
2) Large-scale equipment:quick purification and long-term operation of black-odor river, water purification process, reclaimed water reuse,standard purification, wastewater DAF treatment,new breeding and planting,etc
3) Material: plexiglass, steel-made, plastic, FRP,steel concrete structure
4) Control features: automatic local/wireless intelligent control